+ bab 3 +
Azzam, si detektif muda
“This apparently is the case of suicide. You all can go home.” Arah Inspektor Franz.
Bukan, ini bukan kes bunuh diri. Saya yakin ini ialah kes pembunuhan. Tapi saya masih belum cukup bukti. Azzam berfikir. Tunggu sekejap, kalau saya pembunuh itu saya akan—?
Azzam berjalan mengelilingi tempat kejadian sambil berfikir. Dia memandang ke arah keempat-empat suspek. Tiba-tiba salah seorang daripada mereka menarik perhatiannnya. “Ye la, masa tu.” Azzam teringat akan sesuatu yang berkait rapat dengan kes pembunuhan ini.
Sekarang saya dah dapat buktikan dialah pembunuhnya. Azzam segera berlari ke arah pintu masuk dewan itu lalu berkata “Wait a second inspector. This really is a case of murder.” Azzam segera menghalang mereka daripada meninggalkan tempat itu.
“What your purpose?” Tanya Inspector Franz.
“The truth is the real killer has obscured our eyes throughout the day to make us as evidence of his.” Jelas Azzam tercungap-cungap kerana keletihan berlari.
“What are you trying to say? You means that the real murderer still in this room, right now?” Tanya Inspektor Franz.
“Yes, Inspector. The real killers gave Mr. Steven with a sedative and then kill him on his bed. After that, the killer immediately left the room and joins us like nothing happen. It all just to strengthen his alibi.” Azzam menerangkan dengan penuh semangat.
“But the murder occurred during the council carried out. Everyone was here that time.” Encik White mencelah.
“That’s true, but the murderer had killed Mr. Steven without leaving the ceremony.” Terang Azzam lagi.
“What?” semua orang terkejut dengan keterangan Azzam.
“There were three hints. First, the wet bed. Second hints were room temperature and the third was the knife use for murder.” Jelas Azzam sambil menunjuk tiga jari.
“Okey, how to commit murder without leaving the ceremony? It’s impossible to do that.” Tanya Encik Brad.
“By ice.” Terang Azzam.
“Ice? What did you mean by that?” Tanya Inspektor Franz.
“You still remember right, when we found the dead body, his back was wet and the room temperature was low and—“
“Yes, but he maybe sweating because of the thick blanket he use.” Cik Julie segera menyampuk.
“At first I was even thinking like that, but when I examined it properly, only the back of his body wet. Why does the front of his body does not get wet?”
“You mean the back of his body was placed with ice. But why? He got killed with his own knife not an ice, right?” Tanya Encik Zack.
“By freezing the knife.” Jawab Azzam.
“Wait a moment, you mean the blades that have been frozen were under the victim's body, and then when the ice melted, the knife will pierce the victim's body with their own.” Teka Inspektor Franz.
“Yes, the thick blankets was use to cover the ice from frozen when the room temperature was low and the victim's body temperature can cause the ice melted” Azzam menyambung keterangannya.
“Now, we know how the murderer killed Mr. Steven. But who is actually the killer?” Tanya Cik Julie.
“We all know that four of you have reason to kill Mr. Steven. But only one of you is the murderer.”
Azzam memandang ke arah keempat-empat suspek yang di syaki membunuh Encik Steven. Dia mengangkat tangannya lalu menunjuk ke arah salah seorang daripada suspek itu.
“Miss Julie, you are the killer.” Terang Azzam.
“What did you mean?” Cik Julie bertanya kepada Azzam. Riak wajahnya mula berubah ketakutan. Semua orang yang berada di bilik itu memandang ke arahnya.
“Yes, maybe I do have reasons for killing Mr. Steven, because he was taking everything I have. That does not mean I killed him. Three of them also have a reason to kill. Mr. White, Mr. Brad and Mr. Zack, them all have reason to kill that old man.” Cik Julie menengking Azzam dengan menafikan dia pembunuh sebenar.
Azzam hanya mendiamkan diri. “If you did not give any evidence to accuse me, I will take this to court.” Marah Cik Julie lagi.
“Please be patient, Miss Julie.” Inspektor Fran cuba untuk menenangkan Cik Julie namun tidak berjaya. “The steps that you explain about the murder today, anyone can do it.” Marah Cik Julie.
“Azzam, quick. Show the proof that you have. There is evidence with you, right?” Tanya Inspektor Franz teragak-agak. Azzam hanya menundukkan kepalanya lalu tersenyum. Air muka Cik Julie berubah ketakutan.
“If I do not have any proof, I will not accuse you, Miss Julie” terang Azzam. Cik Julie terdiam apabila Azzam kelihatan yakin menuduhnya sebagai pembunuh.
“For a woman, it is impossible for you to lift a man that heavier than you, so you had to drag him up to bed. Right, Miss Julie?”
“So?” tanya Cik Julie.
“There is something happen when you drag the victims to the bed. Something that will prove you as the murder.” Ujar Azzam.
“Even if I am the one that drag him to the bed, you do not have any evidence that show me as the killer.” ujar Cik Julie sambil tersenyum. Azzam hanya memandang ke arah pembunuh yang berada di hadapannya.
“What?” Tanya Cik Julie kehairanan.
“Where is you brooches, Miss Julie?” Tanya Azzam lagi.
Cik Julie kelihatan gelisah apabila Azzam menyebut tentang kerongsang yang dipakai olehnya. “Are you blind, I'm wearing it. What links attached between my brooches and the murder case?” Tanya Cik Julie.
“You mean this one?” Azzam menunjukkan kerongsang yang sama dengan kerongsang kepunyaan Cik Julie.
“What? That is not mine.” Cik Julie kelihatan gelisah apabila Azzam menunjuk kerongsang yang sama seperti dipakai olehnya.
“This brooch was found in the victim's pants pocket.” Terang Azzam.
“What?” Semua orang yang berada di situ terkejut apabila mengetahui kerongsang kepunyaan si pembunuh dijumpai di dalam poket seluar si mati.
“You may not have noticed that the victim is aware when you are dragging him to bed. As evidence is this brooch.”
“What did you mean? Maybe he bought the same brooches like mine.”
“No. The victim had taken this brooch when you're busy managing your plan. As evidence, the brooch has your fingerprints and the victim. The one that you wearing right now is the one that you already have. You wearing it when you noticed that your real brooches was lost.”
“But, that doesn’t show anything.” Tegas Encik White mempertahankan tunangnya itu. “Mr White, the brooch that you bought for Miss Julie is a real diamond, right?” tanya Azzam. Encik White mengangguk.
“The one that you wearing right now, Miss Julie, is fake” Cik Julie mula gelisah. “A real diamond will not shine like the one that you wearing right now. A fake diamond like yours will shine. That is how we know between a real diamond and the fake one.” Jelas Azzam.
“But, that doeas not make any sense.” Encik white cuba untuk menafikannya.
“No, it all makes sense. Not only the victim and Miss Julie fingerprints found on the brooch, it also has yours, Mr. White.”
“What?” semua orang yang berada di situ terkejut apabila Azzam memberitahu bahawa cap jari Encik White juga terdapat di kerongsang itu.
“Yes, we all know that Mr. White bought this brooch for Miss. Julie, so it may have Mr. White fingerprints. If I am right, the brooch that you wearing right now doesn’t have Mr White fingerprints.” Cik Julie hanya tersenyum. Dia menitiskan air mata. Azzam hanya memandang ke arahnya.
“No. Not Julie who kills Mr. Steven. Not her.” Tegas Encik White kerana tidak dapat menerima kebenaran. “Yes. It was me. I am the killer.” Cik Julie mengaku.
“What? Why you kill him?” Tanya Encik Zack.
“Because he only wants to destroy the lives of others. He never thought the feelings of others and he never knows the feeling of me that I am in love with him.” Cik Julie menerangkan sebab-sebab dia terjerumus ke alam jenayah. Hanya kerana cinta seseorang itu sanggup melakukan perkara-perkara yang membawa satu kesalahan.
“However, why he did not run away? Why is he waiting to be killed by me? Why?” Cik Julie tertanya-tanya.
“Because he love you.” Anak perempuan si mati, Michel berjalan ke arah Cik Julie.
“What? He loves me.”
“Yes. He loves you. He even wants to give part of his property to you, so that you do not have to borrow to others. He loves you since the first time you guys meet. But when you’re going to marry Mr. White, he changes his mind.” Terang Michel.
“No. This is possible. Why he doesn’t tell me anything. Why?” Cik Julie hanya dapat menitiskan air mata. Orang ramai yang ada di situ hanya melihat.
“Every crime committed there is regret.” Cik Julie dibawa ke arah kereta polis. Cik Julie berhenti di tepi Azzam.
“Oh yes, since when you know me as the killer?” Tanya Cik Julie musykil.
“At the start, I do not suspect you as the murderer. When I found this brooch, I still think you have been trapped by the real killer. However, when I remember the words when you talk on the phone, no doubt you are the real killer.” Azzam menerangkan hal sebenar.
“He answered it or not?” Tanya Mr. Brad.
“No. His phone was switched off.” Jawab Cik Julie ketika menelefon telefon bimbit Encik Steven.
“However, when we discover his mobile phone, the phone was not switched off. You know that he was already dead so you think that only waste time to call him. As evidence, your phone number does not appear in the victim's phone as a missed call.” Azzam menerangkan dengan terperinci.
“You do a great detective. Even a small mistake, you will find it.” Puji Cik Julie. Akhirnya pembunuh sebenar telah berjaya ditangkap. Azzam hanya melihat ke arah penjenayah yang dibawa pergi.
“Azzam, like usual you a great detective.” Puji Inspektor Frans.
“When we inquire with the eyes open, the truth will be revealed” kata-kata Azzam yang boleh menaikkan semangatnya sebagai seorang detektif muda. Azzam melihat ke arah jam.
“Alamak, dah terlambat.” Azzam segera berlari kearah kereta polis.
“Inspector, can you give me a ride. I’m going late to school.”
“Sure. It was you who solve the case. Come in.”
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